UCI Irvine First Medical School To Use Google Glass

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10 pairs of Glass will be purchased this month and later another 30 units.  Money for the Google Glass units was donated by a philanthropist.  First- and second-year students will use Glass in their anatomy and clinical skills courses. pairs of Glass will be purchased this month and later another  UCI Irvine First Medical School To Use Google Glass  Third and fourth year students will use Glass during hospital rotations.  It was just a couple years ago the UCI opened their new medical education center so with televideo in the auditorium using Glass to be able to view surgical procedures could be useful there too. 

UCI Opens New $40 Million Dollar Medical Education Center - Televideo Auditorium Teleconferencing to Watch Real Time Medical Procedures

UCI was one of the first if not the first to give all medical students an IPad when they first came out as well. 

UC Irvine School of Medicine Giving Incoming Medical Students iPads with their White Coats With Medical Apps Loaded To Go

Having Glass will also help bridge the medical center’s Orange campus and lecture hall in Irvine.  Miller’s Children’s Hospital in Long Beach is already set up for televideo conferencing and I saw all that in making a few years ago at Millers.  It’s pretty wild being across town several miles with a big conference room where students can watch live surgery occurring in Long Beach.  One thing sure that is solved with Glass is having your hands free and for doctors, that’s a very big deal in more ways than one.  BD

UC Irvine announced a plan Wednesday to use Google Glass to teach medical school students anatomy, bedside manner, and operating techniques, among other things.

“These are very exciting times,” UC Irvine medical school dean Ralph Clayman said.

The medical school – with 416 students now - will buy 10 Google Glass this month and another 30 later this year. A philanthropist donated the funds to buy the devices, which cost $1,500 a piece. One of their main uses will be to link students at the Irvine campus with instructors at the medical center 14 miles away in Orange.

“If you could actually be in the room, and sit and see everything on your iPad, see exactly what the surgeon is seeing, that would be a tremendous benefit” because it would allow students to pull up relevant information on the iPad, he said.

He said bedside manner - the invaluable skill that involves listening, comforting, and interacting with a patient – can be taught by placing Google Glass on a patient and recording what the student doctor says.


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